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Travis Collins—

Travis Collins
Artist: Travis Collins
Track: Different Dreams
Album: Different Dreams

Travis Collins has released his single, Different Dreams. Recorded with Jared Adlam in his Queensland studio, the song was penned with Collins and Nashville’s Jason Duke. Jared also produced Travis’s first single, Don’t Get Me Started

Travis says, “If success is truly defined as setting a goal, and achieving it, then it shouldn’t matter what that dream looks or sounds like to anybody else. For some, it’s being number one at something, top of the mountain. For others it’s about a steady job, maybe some kids and healthy work–life balance, for others it’s finding happiness within themselves. Our dream can be as big or small as we want them to be, they don’t need to make sense to anybody else, because after all, it’s ours, and we all have different dreams.”

He continues, “There’s a lot of levels of success and happiness between the start and the top, of anything—this song is for all the dreamers who’ve found their dream somewhere in between.”

Website: Travis Collins

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